Monday, 28 January 2013

Army SSC Officer Medical Corps Jan-2013

Army jobs at

Army Medical Corps 
Join Indian Army as Short Service Commissioned (SSC) Officer in Army Medical Corps 

Applications are invited from Indian citizens both male and female, who have passed their final MBBS examination in first or second attempt and completed internship for grant of Short Service Commission in the Army Medical Corps.

Vacancies : 200 posts

Eligibility: Candidates must possess medical qualification. Post Graduate degree holders i.e. MD/ MS/ MCh/ DM may also apply. The applicant must have permanent registration from any State Medical Council/ MCI. Candidates who will be completing internship by the last date of submission of application may also apply.
Age : must not have attained 45 years of age on 31st Dec 2013.

Pay Band : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 + Grade pay Rs.6100 + Military Service Pay (MSP) Rs.6000 + NPA @25% of Basic+Grade Pay+MSP and other

Fee : One DD of Rs.200/- payable at New Delhi in favour of "Director General Armed Forces Medical Services (APF Fund)"

How to Apply : Candidates should apply to the Office of the Director General Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS)/ DG-1A, Ministry of Defence, 'M' Block, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi -110001, on a good quality A4 size plain paper giving particulars in the prescribed application form latest by 28/02/2013.

Please view for  details and application format.

Indian Army SSC Officer Law Oct-2013 Entry

JAG Entry Scheme 11th Short Service Commission (SSC) (NT) Course October-2013 for Law Graduates Men and Women

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals Law Graduates  Men and Women  for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Indian Army for Judge Advocate General Dept.

  • SSC Officer Law Graduate : 10 posts (Men-07, Women-03),Qualification : 55% marks in LLB Degree (3 years after Graduation or 5 years after 10+2), Age : 21-27 years, Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400 plus MSP Rs.6000.

How to Apply : : Candidates should apply in the prescribed format along with 2 self addressed post cards duly tagged and copy of desired certificates/ testimonials in an envelope superscribed as "Application for Short Service Commission (NT) Men and Women Course - Oct 2013 for Judge Advocate General Department" to the Directorate General of Recruiting, Rtg JAG Entry AG's Branch, Army Hqrs, West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066 latest by 15/02/2013.

For this recruitment, details can be viewed at or also at  OR Please see Employment News dated 26/01/2013 for details and application format OR Kindly visit the website to view/ download the details and application format. (Bottom)

Bank of Baroda Specialist Officer posts Jan-2013

Bank of Baroda jobs at

Bank of Baroda (BOB)
Baroda Corporate Centre, Plot No. C-26, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051
Bank of Baroda - Recruitment of Specialist Officer 

Bank of Baroda (BoB), India's International Bank, looking for eligible candidates for following posts of Specialist Officers :

  • Specialist Officers : 90 posts (UR- 40, OBC- 29, SC-13, ST-8) in JMGS-I / MMGS-II Scales, Discipline : Planning - 45, Security-30, Treasury-10, Risk Management-5

Posts :

  • Officer (Planning)

  • Manager (Planning)

  • Manager (Risk Management)

  • Manager (Treasury)

  • Manager (Security)

Application  Fee : Rs.500/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH candidates)  to be deposited in any ranch of Bank of Baroda by Cash Payment Vouchers.

How to Apply : Eligible candidates are advised to apply 'ONLINE' only at Bank of Baroda website from28/01/2013 to 09/02/2013.

Please visit for detailed information, payment voucher and a link to Apply Online.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Pragathi Gramin Bnak Job Vacancy Jan-2013

Pragathi Gramin Bank (PGB) 
Post Box No.55, Gandhinagar, Bellary - 583103
(Sponsored by Canara Bank)
Pragathi Gramin Bank invites applications from Indian citizens, for the post of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have appeared at the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and declared qualified :

  • Officer Scale-I : 56 posts (UR-29, OBC-15, SC-8, ST-4), Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700

  • Office Assistant (Multipurpose) : 23 posts (UR-12, OBC-6, SC-4, ST-1), Pay Scale : Rs. 7200 - 19300 

Application Fee : Rs.100/- (Rs.20/- SC/ST/PWD/Ex-SM) may be paid through CBS at any of the Branches of Pragathi Gramin Bank or from any other Bank through NEFT to the following account of Pragathi Gramin Bank maintained at Gandhinagar Branch, Bellary.

How to Apply :  Apply online at Pragathi Gramin Bank Website only from 29/01/2013 to 11/02/2013.

Please visit for detailed information, payment challlan  and Online submission of application.


Jobs in Kaveri Grameena Bank Jan-2013

Kaveri Grameena Bank 

(Sponsored by State Bank of Mysore)

Head Office : No. CA 20, Vijaynagar 2nd Stage, Mysore - 570017 (Karnataka)

Kaveri Grameena Bank, Mysore invites applications from Indian Citizens, for the post of Officers in Middle Management Grade (Scale-III), Officers in Middle Management Grade (Scale-II), Officers in Junior Management (Scale-I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have appeared at the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and have a valid score card issued by IBPS, Mumbai :

  1. Officer Scale-III (General Banking) : 05 posts

  2. Officer Scale-II - (General Banking) 29 posts

  3. Officer Scale-II (Chartered Accountant (Taxes) : 02 posts

  4. Officer Scale-II ( (Law)) : 02 posts

  5. Officer Scale-II (Information Technology)) : 08 posts

  6. Officer Scale-II (Treasury Management) : 02 posts

  7. Officer Scale-I : 129 posts

  8. Office Assistant (Multipurpose) : 213 posts

Application Fee : Rs.100/- (Rs.20/- SC/ST/PWD/Ex-SM) may be paid through CBS at any of the Branches of Kaveri Grameena Bank or from any other Bank through NEFT to the designated account of  Kaveri Grameena Bank.

How to Apply :  Apply online at Kaveri Grameena Bank Website only from 23/01/2013 to 05/02/2013.
Please visit for detailed information, payment challlan  and Online submission of application.

Various Jobs in SAIL Jobs Jan-2013

SAIL jobs at

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)
(A Government of India Enterprise) 
Raw Material Division
Raw Material Division (RMD) seeks to induct bright professionals in executive cadre in various disciplines, as detailed below,for posting in its various mines :

  1. Manager [Projects] : 15 posts

  2. Manager [Forest & Environment] : 03 posts

  3. Dy. Manager (Mining) : 04 posts

  4. Dy. Manager [Mineral Dressing/ Mineral Processing/ Mechanical [having Ore Processing Plant experience ]] : 05 posts

  5. Dy. Manager (Civil Engineer) : 05 posts

  6. Dy. Manager (Geology) : 04 posts

  7. Specialist Doctors : 04 posts

  8. Medical Officers : 10 posts

  9. Junior Engineer (Forest and Environment) : 04 posts

Application Fee : Rs. 500/- (Rs. 100/- for SC/ST candidates) to be paid through payment challan in any branch of SBI.

How to Apply : Apply Online at SAIL Website from 24/01/2013 to 14/02/2013 only.

For more information  and apply Online, Please visit and click on the link +RMD


Faculty posts in NIT Warangal Jan-2013

NIT Warangal jobs at

National Institute of Technology (NIT) 
Warangal - 506004, Andhra Pradesh, India
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals with excellent academic record, motivation for teaching and commitment to quality research for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in various Departments of the Institute : 

  1. Professor  : 15 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.10000/-

  2. Associate Professor : 48 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.9000/-

  3. Assistant Professor  : 152 posts (UR-78, SC-18, ST-12, OBC-44), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 - 39100 AGP Rs. 6000/- 7000/-  8000/-

Application Fee : Rs. 500/- (Rs.200/- in case of SC/ST candidates) in the form of Crossed Demand
Draft drawn in favour of “The Director, National Institute of Technology, Warangal” payable at the State Bank of Hyderabad, N.I.T. Branch, Warangal – 506004 (IFSC Code: SBHY0020149) or any Nationalized Bank payable at Warangal.

How to Apply : The applications in the prescribed format  with all its enclosures should be sent by Registered Post  to the following address :

Registrar National Institute of Technology, Warangal – 506004 (AP)

Last date of receipt of application is 28/02/2013.

Please visit  for details and application form.